Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at gener8tor.


50% of gener8tor companies have at least one Founder who identifies as BIPOC.

32% of employees at gener8tor that identifies as BIPOC

30% of gener8tor companies have a Woman CEO.

56% of employees at gener8tor are Women.

26% of gener8tor companies have at least one Immigrant or Child of an Immigrant Founder.

72% of gener8tor companies have an Underrepresnted Founder.


38% of gener8tor companies have at least one Woman Founder.

5% of gener8tor companies have at least one Veteran Founder.

36% of gener8tor companies have a CEO who identifies as BIPOC

While we strive for diversity, equity and inclusion in all gener8tor programs, several of our programs have a specific DE&I focus as listed below:

Dorothy Johnson
Vice President, Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Ms. Dorothy Johnson, MAHS is a passionate, influential, and energetic professional with 10+ years’ experience in DEI, Non-Profit Organizations, and Human Services and 8+ years of experience with leadership, program management, and project management. Fundraising nearly 2.5 million dollars since 2020.

Ms. Johnson currently serves as the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for gener8tor, a nationally-ranked venture capital firm. Dorothy specializes in the advancement of traditionally marginalized people, cultures, and communities. Dorothy serves on the Basic Hope Foundation Board as president, the Omaha North High School Foundation Board, and the Great Plains Black History Museum Board and volunteers with several non-profit organizations in her native community.

In 2021, Dorothy founded Nebraska’s HBCU + Greek Collaborative, an emerging social club for young and talented professionals seeking authentic connection and professional development in Nebraska. Ms. Johnson also supports the Urban League of Nebraska, young professionals guild, the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, the Midlands African Chamber of Commerce, and the State on Nebraska - Department of Economic Development.

Dorothy is passionate about strengthening community connections and partnerships in Nebraska and fundraising multimillion-dollar campaigns to extend the advancement of underrepresented entrepreneurs and businesses.

  • Lauren Usher, Partner

    Lauren Usher, Partner

    “When I started working at gener8tor I knew that my role would center around creating and promoting opportunities for entrepreneurs of all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. This was very important to me in seeking a career that aligned with my values and my experiences as the first person in my family born in the US. However, I didn’t yet understand how central to all of our work striving for true equity and inclusion would be. I’ve been immensely grateful for the space to discuss and learn more about issues relating to race, gender and identity at gener8tor. We have staff with such a diverse set of personal and professional backgrounds and with their support I have been able to grow both in my professional role and on my journey of supporting diversity, equity and inclusion. I feel confident that as a company we’ll continue to move forward and learn together.”

  • Haley Medved Kendrick

    Haley Medved Kendrick, Senior Managing Director, Investment Accelerators

    "My journey to gener8tor came through academia, non-profit management, and workforce development. While completing my PhD in Medical Sociology, I began looking for ways to take my work with health inequality from research to practice and make near term impact on social causes like access to education and employment. Over the next 3 years, I applied this vision of an equitable economic prosperity to Birmingham's tech ecosystem as director of a non-profit workforce development organization. After leading the organization through the training of over 700 local residents in tech, I️ began considering the opportunity to support the creation of more jobs in the region, which led me to startup support, and ultimately gener8tor."

  • Al Cornish, Partner

    “As a graduate of a historically black university and a leader who has sought to utilize my time and talents to uplift underserved companies, aligning my personal mission with my career direction was important. Joining a company that truly valued diversity, equity and inclusion wasn’t an option, it was a must. One of my passions has always revolved around the intersection of public policy and how we as a society can use investments to generate positive social and environmental impact alongside top financial returns. From day one, gener8tor’s values and mission aligned with my personal and professional goals. I believe that investing in the best and brightest-regardless of race, place or gender-creates more vibrant communities and removes barriers that have often existed for diverse and women business leaders. Empowering communities to invest in themselves and to promote inclusive economic growth in their own backyards are powerful concepts. I’m grateful to continue this work in my personal life, but even more grateful gener8tor creates a space for me to live out my passions.”

At gener8tor, we are committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, and supportive environment where every voice is heard, and every identity is celebrated. Our Affinity Groups provide safe spaces where employees can connect, advocate, and grow together.
Here’s an overview of our groups:

Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Affinity Group
We promote cultural awareness, inclusion, and advocate for the unique needs of the AAPI community.

Black Affinity Group (#BAG)
We support and empower Black employees by focusing on growth, mental wellness, and creating a safe environment.

Cultural Leadership Council (#CLC)
We drive diversity, equity, and inclusivity by advising leadership and fostering a broad understanding of diverse cultural identities.

Jewish Community Slack Channel (#Oy_v8y)
We provide a platform for cultural connection, discussion, and community-building among those identifying with the Jewish community.

Neurodivergent Affinity Group (#BRAG)
We empower and connect neurodivergent employees by promoting education, inclusivity, and innovative workplace practices.

Pride Affinity Group
We create a warm, inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies to connect, share experiences, and support one another.

Affinity Groups at gener8tor

Women’s Affinity Group (#L8ies)
We facilitate networking, learning, and self-advocacy for women to enhance their personal and professional growth within gener8tor.